
Here you can find everything about the latest updates and bug fixes!

V2.1.4 - 28.09.2023

changed bump embed fields

We have removed the following fields from the bump message:

  • Channels

  • Roles

This information has been moved to the Server Info. It can now be viewed via the "More Information" button below the bump message.

This change is to provide a better overview. In the PC view, the three fields "Language, Badges and Members" now fit into one row.

Just a small change ;)

V2.1.3 - 19.09.2023

added automatic verification and changed bump cooldown

  • added an automatic verification system (you will get verified as soon as you join a server and unverified if you leave it)

  • the global bump cooldown was set to 90 minutes in order to prevent spam

V2.1.2 - 17.09.2023

major bug fixes affecting the bump command

We made a big mistake when programming the language configuration.

The error in detail: By default, the language badge variable value was blank. However, Discord does not allow empty fields, which meant that we constantly received error messages in the console and the user received the message "Interaction failed". The bug is now fixed, the default value for the language badge is now -, if no language(s) are specified.

V2.1.1 - 15.09.2023

new premium feature, some bug fixes

  • added another confirmation step at setup -> bump text (go back, link to our "get-premium" channel, character claiming button and next button if you aren't interested in premium)

  • claim 500 more characters for your bump text - by clicking on "Claim more characters!" (not stackable)

  • changed premium command colour to pink

  • fixed some problems with emojis not being showed

V2.1.0 - 14.09.2023

new premium feature, minor changes at setup command & few bug fixes

  • added invite button in the bot‘s profile

  • added a new premium feature (change the embed colour of your advertising text)

  • fixed a bug which was changing the embed colour of every server

  • improved /help command, much more clearly now

  • changed the preview visibility to author only in order to prevent spam

  • integrated the language, banner and embed colour configurations in setup command (added back buttons everywhere to get back to setup menu)

2️⃣ V2.0.0 - 12.09.2023

New functions:

  • added language badges (english, german, spanish)

  • added button status colour (color of button in /setup changes depending on whether the configuration e.g. bump channel was set up (green) or not (red))

  • added new server information at bump messages “More Information“ button

  • new emojis added (badges (badge), server owner (crown), language (speeking bubble))

  • New bot icon designed by MrCm


  • changed old embed color (purple theme) to the new green theme

  • complete rewrite of the bump command

The bot now only transmits the server id of the bumped server. Before this update the bot sent every information like bump text, badges, channel count, etc. seperate.

  • complete rewrite of the report system

  • completely new verification system (increases safety a lot)

more information on our discord server

Last updated